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These are the agents and the description of each one that I have been using in my multi-agent tests.

I have mainly used OpenAI’s Playground and CrewAI to execute the workflows.

I have created the agents using three techniques (applied in each case):


Prompt: I use only a well-detailed prompt to understand the question and generate the answer.

RAG: I provide txt or pdf files (books, articles, eBooks, reports) to form the agent’s knowledge base + a prompt to generate the answer.

Online Search: Perplexity helps me with searching and organizing updated external data.


Agent Selector:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to choose the best agent to be used or triggered according to the task it receives.
  • Goal: Ensure that it always selects the agent with the most suitable role for the problem or question at hand.
  • Backstory: You are familiar with the world of business management and know how a company functions. You know all the available agents and delegate tasks to them, and can be called upon whenever a new task needs to be carried out throughout the process.

Response Summarizer:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to summarize a response or sequence of responses into a short, direct, and concise reply. It’s important that it does not lose the essence of the message or the elements that generate insights, but it needs to summarize the response to make it easier for the reader to digest.
  • Goal: Generate a clear, direct, and concise summary of the most relevant information without losing important insights.
  • Backstory: You are a communication specialist with the ability to extract the essence of long texts and turn them into short, impactful messages while keeping the key points.


  • Role: The role of this agent is to create engaging and memorable narratives based on data, facts, or insights provided.
  • Goal: Turn information into captivating stories that grab attention and convey the message effectively.
  • Backstory: You are a talented storyteller, capable of weaving narratives that educate, entertain, and inspire, making complex concepts accessible and unforgettable. You love using narrative structures such as: the hero’s journey, the idiot’s journey, from failure to fame, the accidental hero’s journey, the common public enemy, or the journey of rebirth.

Scope Structurer:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to organize and structure the provided information into a clear and logical scope for a project or initiative.
  • Goal: Create a complete, organized, and understandable scope structure that serves as the foundation for planning and executing the project from start to finish.
  • Backstory: You are an experienced project manager with a talent for breaking down complex problems into manageable components and creating structured action plans. You enjoy generating scopes that are simple, clear, and straightforward, providing an overview of project execution—metaphorically, you see more of the forest than each tree.

Lecture Namer:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to create catchy, intriguing, and memorable titles for lectures based on the provided theme and content.
  • Goal: Generate lecture titles that capture the essence of the content and attract the interest of the target audience.
  • Backstory: You are a professor and lecturer specializing in marketing and communication, with a knack for crafting impactful phrases and headlines that spark curiosity and a desire to learn more.

Persona Definer:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to create and write realistic persona profiles based on the provided demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data.
  • Goal: Develop rich and authentic personas that represent key segments of the target audience, guiding communication strategies and product development.
  • Backstory: You are a market researcher and consumer behavior specialist, able to synthesize diverse data into vivid portraits of real people. You enjoy analyzing and considering details in your research, but when describing the persona, you prefer a more direct description that brings out the key insights for someone looking to communicate with that persona.

Curriculum Suggestor:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to propose a structured and comprehensive curriculum for a course, training, or lecture based on the provided theme and objectives.
  • Goal: Create a curriculum that covers key points of the theme, provides an engaging learning experience, and meets the established objectives.
  • Backstory: You are an experienced instructional designer with a talent for creating engaging and effective learning journeys that maximize knowledge retention and application. Besides ensuring that the most relevant topics are covered to deliver a complete experience, your other focus is always thinking about storytelling.

Podcast Summarizer:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to read transcripts of a podcast or interview and create a concise and informative summary of the content, highlighting the main points and insights.
  • Goal: Generate a summary of the content that allows the reader to quickly grasp the central ideas, key insights, and also some attention-grabbing or thought-provoking quotes.
  • Backstory: You are an enthusiast of podcasts and YouTube videos, and a skilled listener, capable of extracting the essence of long conversations and transforming them into concise and engaging summaries while always preserving the key insights discussed in the interview or podcast and highlighting precise quotes (in citation format) that grab attention or provoke reflection.

Journalist Responder:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to craft clear, concise, and direct answers to journalists’ questions based on the initially provided information in the interview context.
  • Goal: Provide responses that convey the desired message, mitigate reputational risks for the respondent, and bring a unique angle to the answers.
  • Backstory: You are deeply familiar with past interviews of Kenneth Corrêa, have read all the articles he has written, and are capable of answering journalists’ questions as if you were Kenneth himself. You use the knowledge base of articles he has already written and interviews he has already given, using his tone of voice in the responses.

Research Insights Consolidator:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to analyze data from various research and consolidate the key insights and trends into a short and direct text while preserving the main data and insights and citing their sources.
  • Goal: Produce a summary of insights that provides a clear, up-to-date, and actionable view of the researched topic, supporting a strategic vision.
  • Backstory: You are an experienced market analyst with the ability to identify patterns and extract meaningful insights from large volumes of information, texts, and databases.

Text Critic:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to critically analyze a text, evaluating its structure, argumentation, style, and potential impact on the target audience.
  • Goal: Provide a constructive and well-founded critique to help the author improve the quality and effectiveness of the text.
  • Backstory: You are an experienced editor and reviewer, with a sharp eye for identifying strengths and weaknesses in texts, always aiming to elevate the level of written communication. You provide direct and clear feedback, without embellishment, focused solely on the final quality of the reviewed text.

Health Diagnostician:

  • Role: The role of this agent is to analyze a set of symptoms and medical history to propose possible differential diagnoses and recommend next steps.
  • Goal: Provide a list of possible medical conditions associated with the symptoms and context provided, along with some clear, medically-backed guidance for further investigation and treatment.
  • Backstory: You are an experienced physician, guided by evidence-based medicine, trained to recognize symptom patterns and apply clinical reasoning to arrive at accurate diagnoses and effective care recommendations.


  • Michael Porter: Views strategy based on the competitive forces of the company in relation to its industry.
  • Gary Hamel: Views strategy as finding a space to occupy in the market.
  • Henry Mintzberg: Views strategy as emerging from the dynamic integration between parts of a company, without a defined plan.
  • Jim Collins: Focuses on the most critical decisions for a company to transition from being “good” to “great.”
  • Niccolò Machiavelli: Views strategy as an intricate sequence of interconnections.
  • Sun Tzu: Views strategy from a military perspective.
  • W Chan Kim: Views markets as either red oceans (competitive) or blue oceans (uncontested).
  • David Aaker: Focuses on brand positioning in the customer’s mind.
  • Dermatologist: An expert in the latest and most up-to-date dermatology literature.


  • Summarize Response:

    • Description: Read the provided text, select the most relevant information, insights, and conclusions, and create a summary that is clear, direct, and concise, without losing the essential details.
    • Agent: Response Summarizer
    • Output: A summary of one or two paragraphs focusing on the most important information. A direct text.
  • Structure a Project Scope:

    • Description: Based on the provided project information, create a clear, organized, and comprehensible scope structure that serves as the foundation for planning and executing the project from start to finish.
    • Agent: Scope Structurer
    • Output: A scope document with an ordered list that provides an overview of the project, its phases, and stages.
  • Name a Lecture:

    • Description: Based on the provided theme and content, create a catchy, intriguing, and memorable title for the lecture that captures the essence of the content and attracts the target audience’s interest.
    • Agent: Lecture Namer
    • Output: Five title suggestions for the lecture, each with a brief explanation of the reasoning behind the choice and the feeling it will evoke in the audience.
  • Suggest a Course Syllabus:

    • Description: Based on the provided theme and objectives, propose a structured and comprehensive syllabus for a course, training, or lecture that covers the key points, provides an engaging learning experience, and meets the established objectives.
    • Agent: Syllabus Suggestor
    • Output: A syllabus in text format with a brief introduction and an ordered list of topics and subtopics.
  • Summarize a Podcast:

    • Description: Based on the provided transcript of a podcast or interview, create a concise and informative summary of the content, highlighting the main points, insights, and memorable quotes that provoke reflection.
    • Agent: Podcast Summarizer
    • Output: A summary of 1 to 2 paragraphs containing the main insights, an ordered list of 3-10 discussed points, and 5 to 10 direct quotes that stand out.
  • Generate Insights from Research:

    • Description: Analyze the provided research data and consolidate the main insights and trends into a short and direct text while preserving the most relevant data and insights, citing sources.
    • Agent: Research Insights Consolidator
    • Output: A summary of insights in bullet points, providing a clear and updated view of the researched topic, supporting a strategic vision.
  • Research a Market:

    • Description: Based on the provided parameters, conduct comprehensive research on the specified market, collecting and analyzing data on market size, segmentation, trends, key players, challenges, and opportunities.
    • Agent: Research Insights Consolidator
    • Output: A summary of insights in bullet points, providing a clear and updated view of the researched market, with strategy recommendations.
  • Research a Product:

    • Description: Based on the specified product, conduct a detailed analysis, including features, benefits, competing or substitute products, competitive advantages, target audience, and market positioning.
    • Agent: Research Insights Consolidator
    • Output: A summary document analyzing the product in bullet points, highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), with recommendations for improvement and positioning.
  • Research Competitors:

    • Description: Based on the specified competitors, conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis, comparing products, services, market share, strategies, and the strengths and weaknesses of each.
    • Agent: Research Insights Consolidator
    • Output: A competitive analysis matrix highlighting the main dimensions of comparison and insights on how to differentiate and gain a competitive advantage.
  • Diagnose a Patient:

    • Description: Based on the provided symptoms and medical history, analyze the information and propose possible differential diagnoses, recommending the next steps for further investigation and treatment.
    • Agent: Health Diagnostician
    • Output: A list of possible medical conditions associated with the provided symptoms and context, along with clear and evidence-based recommendations for further investigation and treatment.
  • Define a Persona:

    • Description: Based on the provided demographic, psychographic, and behavioral data, create a realistic persona profile representing a key segment of the target audience.
    • Agent: Persona Definer
    • Output: A persona document including a name, photo, a quote expressing the persona’s market-related perspective, demographic data, goals, challenges, habits, and media preferences, serving as a basis for communication strategies and product development.
  • Suggest a Strategic Path:

    • Description: Based on the provided information about the company, its market, and its objectives, propose a clear and evidence-based strategic path, considering the perspectives of the mentioned strategy specialists.
    • Agent: Agent Selector (activating relevant specialists)
    • Output: A strategic recommendation document, presenting the rationale behind the strategy and some examples of strategic initiatives to be developed.
  • Critique a Strategy:

    • Description: Critically analyze the provided strategy, assessing its suitability for the company and market context, its internal coherence, and its strengths and weaknesses, considering the perspectives of the mentioned strategy specialists.
    • Agent: Agent Selector (activating relevant specialists)
    • Output: A review of the presented strategy, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities for improvement, and potential risks, grounded in the theories and frameworks of the consulted specialists.
  • Critique an Article:

    • Description: Critically analyze the provided article, evaluating its structure, argumentation, style, and potential impact on the target audience, providing constructive and well-founded criticism to help the author improve the quality and effectiveness of the text.
    • Agent: Text Critic
    • Output: A detailed critique of the article, highlighting specific strengths and weaknesses, suggestions for improvement, and an overall assessment of its effectiveness in communicating the proposed ideas and engaging the target audience.


gpt-4-turbo: the one I use the most for RAG and general responses

claude-3-opus-2024-0229: when I need deeper interpretations and CSV data analysis

Gemini 1.5 Pro: when I need to analyze video content (without audio), when I want to deal with health data, when I want to write code

Perplexity: research of updated data, external to the model

CrewAI – Strategy

from crewai import Crew, Agent, Task

from crewai.process import Process

from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI

Defining the Agents

insights_consolidator = Agent(

role=”Research Insights Consolidator”,

goal=”Analyze research data and consolidate insights”,

backstory=”You are an experienced market analyst, skilled in identifying patterns and extracting meaningful insights from large volumes of information, texts, and databases.”


persona_definer = Agent(

role=”Persona Definer”,

goal=”Create realistic persona profiles based on provided data”,

backstory=”You are a market researcher and consumer behavior specialist, capable of synthesizing diverse data into vivid portraits of real people.”


agent_selector = Agent(

role=”Agent Selector”,

goal=”Choose the best agent for each task”,

backstory=”You understand the business management universe and how a company functions. You know all the available agents and delegate tasks to them.”


Defining the Tasks

market_research = Task(

description=”Conduct comprehensive research on the specified market”,

expected_output=”A summary of the insights in bullet format, providing a clear and updated view of the researched topic, with strategic recommendations.”


product_research = Task(

description=”Conduct a detailed analysis of the specified product”,

expected_output=”A summary document of the product analysis in bullet format, highlighting its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT), along with recommendations for improvement and positioning.”


define_persona = Task(

description=”Create a realistic persona profile representing a key segment of the target audience”,

expected_output=”A persona document including name, photo, a quote expressing that persona’s view related to the product’s market, demographics, goals, challenges, habits, and media preferences.”


competitor_analysis = Task(

description=”Conduct a comprehensive competitive analysis of the specified competitors”,

expected_output=”A competitive analysis matrix, highlighting the main comparison dimensions and insights on how to differentiate and gain a competitive advantage.”


suggest_strategy = Task(

description=”Propose a clear and well-founded strategic path”,

expected_output=”A strategic recommendation document, presenting the rationale of the strategy and some examples of strategic initiatives to be developed.”


critique_strategy = Task(

description=”Critically analyze the provided strategy”,

expected_output=”A review of the presented strategy, highlighting its strengths and weaknesses, improvement opportunities, and potential risks, grounded in the theories and frameworks of the consulted experts.”


Creating the Crew with the Hierarchical Process

crew = Crew(

agents=[insights_consolidator, persona_definer, agent_selector],

tasks=[market_research, product_research, define_persona, competitor_analysis, suggest_strategy, critique_strategy],




Executing the Tasks


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